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The Lolcow Pen
Types of Cows
An Artcow creates laughably terrible pictures.
A Careercow keeps a job it is awful at.
A Dramacow causes controversy.
A Schizocow is just plain crazy!
A Horrorcow is undebatably evil.
The Cows Themselves
Charles White / penguinz0 / Cr1tikal / MoistCr1tikal / HugeCharles
Type: Careercow
Milkable Parts: lack of research, contradictory statements, inconsistent demeanor
Frequents: YouTube and Twitch
Notable enablers: Channeleven, Discotek Media, Internet Anarchist, Josh Cannon, Karl Hamburger, Ludwig, MeatCanyon, Mutahar "SomeOrdinaryGamers" Anas, Uncle Al
See it in action
Josh Cannon / Dancing with Ghosts / DWGYouTube
Type: Schizocow
Milkable Parts: throwing tantrums and spouting non-sequitirs live, not following the guidelines it gives, calling penguinz0 "based" despite several research failures
Frequents: YouTube and Discord
See it in action
Dig Deeper / Diggy
Type: Schizocow
Milkable Parts: poor reading comprehension, contradictory statements
Frequents: the web in general
See it in action
Type: Horrorcow
Milkable Parts: lack of research, poor watching comprehension, blatant attraction to minors
Frequents: Neocities
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Possible socks?
Joshua Connor Moon / Null
Type: Careercow
Milkable Parts: attacking its site's members for petty reasons, failing to answer simple questions, lack of research, database mismanagement, FAT
Frequents: Kiwi Farms and Telegram
Notable enabler: Turkey Tom
See it in action
Mark McConville / LS Mark / Midnight Mark / Splash Dash
Type: Dramacow
Milkable Parts: lack of research, slandering Mr. Enter, defaming and stalking Butch Hartman, failing to answer simple questions, trying to marry a cheater, refusing to do housework, poor watching comprehension, frivolous spending, FAT
Frequents: YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and Twitter/X
Notable enablers: Alpha Jay, Blooms, Channel Pup, Johnny 2 Cellos, Kellen Goff, "laly", LioConvoy, Mr. Enter (surprisingly), Mutahar "SomeOrdinaryGamers" Anas, OneyNG, Saberspark, Sr Pelo, Steve Reviews, Veridis Joe, What the Chieck
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Lady Decade
Type: Careercow
Milkable Parts: clickbait titles and thumbnails, frivolous spending
Frequents: YouTube
Notable enablers: SIMPS
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Luke Smith
Type: Schizocow
Milkable Parts: poor reading comprehension, failing to answer simple questions, petty racism, clickbait titles and thumbnails
Frequents: YouTube
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Type: Schizocow
Milkable Parts: sending unjustified personal attacks to wiki editors, administrating a drama-centric wiki without knowing about recent drama
Frequents: Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Thomas Hanson / Turkey Tom / TomDark / NotATurkey / anonbirdd
Type: Careercow
Milkable Parts: derp face, blatant hypocrisy, frivolous spending
Frequents: YouTube and Twitter/X
Notable enablers: Brandon Buckingham, Josh Cannon, Mutahar "SomeOrdinaryGamers" Anas, Nicholas DeOrio, Stardust
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Trad Cath from LA / Chink Destroyers from LA / Guardian against Miscegenation / fag0t v2
Type: Schizocow
Milkable Parts: frequent ad hominem attacks, spamming in threads, not using Xenforo's reaction/rating feature when it has almost nothing to add
Frequents: Onion Farms
See it in action
Eris Ray / UltimateDSfan / UltimateDSEris / ultimate_eris / UltimateHellscape
Type: Horrorcow
Milkable Parts: emotionally abusive crybullying, racism towards itself, failing to answer simple questions, mediocre hygiene, poor watching comprehension, frivolous spending
Frequents: YouTube, Twitter/X, and Discord
Notable enablers: DAclassicgamer/DAepikartman, MilesRoseQuartz, Nintendude, Team YouTube, ThatOneCalledRPG
See it in action
Why you should not dogpile cows
More views could encourage them to stagnate
Some cows' works are monetized, so many views could be translated to piles of money that they will most likely waste.
Professionals and trolls will wrangle them
Many workplaces and post-secondary schools blacklist candidates for poor behavior. If a cow violates a law, authorities can neutralize it.
Most cows will never learn their lessons, regardless of what they experience
Closed-mindedness is a common flaw among cows. Before you attempt to persuade one, ask the following questions:
Is the cow willing to improve, though not able? If so, it is not as capable as you thought.
Is the cow able to improve, though not willing? If so, it is not as well-intentioned as you thought.
Is the cow willing and able to improve? If so, why is it still funny?
Is the cow neither willing nor able to improve? If so, why does it deserve your attention?
This website's contents are licensed under the CC-BY-SA license where it is applicable.