
What happens when you train GPT-2 on a load of horoscopes and The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft? Horrorscopes of course! Enjoy a tantilising glimpse into your future madness!


(January 20th to February 18th)


I want to lead a secret and play on your brain. Say what you think and think. Trying to gurlurance you want? That’s your plans for some kind of new job? Yesterday’s new moon in the house of earnings. Over the next few days you want a release: find new job to the scenaries. Confident skills and spending yourself to get together.


(February 19th to March 20th)


“Nearing” is cape, especially the financial planetary energy is in the stars, making changes on the further. This is true of your career and more diplomacy. Act the Moon-Venus aspect helpings you spend the world to them. And this is just the best part of your life is money, so if you can’t get your point.


(March 21st to April 19th)


OKI’s you’re going to be conservatively. Then you’ll be able to learn more about a new and more both at the office.


(April 2nd, February 27th and December 2nd)


It’s a position to be the most of your life. No matter how much you’re on a bit too much and serious strategizing. A Moon-Neptune meeting indicates that you can push, “who’s). Once Venus enters Leo next week you’ll be pushing you to strike down the way.


(April 20th to May 20th)


The Moon and Mars are in your efficiency sector, you may pursue for your next four weeks, so ignore your sense of passionate piece. This is a solid time to come by the purple of our figure. That was a land which could not be present and savage the nameless future and nameless highestly into the ghouls, he strange, so a badly high waves whispens at the tensely, tried to seek to the body and the schoolation that I would not make his material in any direction. He he saw all, was no doubt of stairs, and the freedom of mountaining the side of the size at the neighbouring side of the motors. e allevolved that the most, the definite and parentials, and was noticed in all. In that morning to satister he had subjected, but he was a sound of his visit to its electricity of the segree of the world who had a questioned for the circle where the sounds of the Curwen's oddddd and behind the other hand; but a stepping endlessly on a sentimental depth of no more sea-conhaps he reached in a great bulk stone. II. "Myone, the same night-headed and more than you are too quite on the bad new. A Jupiter-Sun conjunction is perfect for calming. You’re all about it, so use the next fourth six months.


(May 21st to June 20th)


You may feel like taking on 2017, but the Moon is in your sign for revolve and thinking big. The Moon is telling you to balance, so don’t be a smart time to get ready to start balance with your dreams and demands.


(May 25th)


Christmas, and the best you may decide to go back into a carview. A Moon-Pluto connection could help you find the passionate stall of your own habits, ease and that lover could meet! Stick up your family, new job or creativity. Or can do so, if things can take a big gop. Don’t be tempted on this, so you’ll get ready to show them off.


(June 21st to July 22nd)


You’re in a smart mood for being a big picture, as it comes to friends and a lover. When Venus square you’ll be in your house of efficiency, you’ll be able to make new decisions.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)


Being the negative power of people who are going to be calmer thanks to the Moon in the most expensive part of your chart. You may be even powerful about anyone who’s path. Fortunately, you’ll fly in your life to be developing a new source of a lover or trying to pursue.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)


There’s a good day to get out there and want some of tomorrow? And don’t be a wrap baby. Nothing watt be a powerful Moon-Mars aspect for expressing up your name is that your house and success could get tired over a fire quickly place. It’s one of the most productive and ambitious things will be getting tired to keep you off the path. But the next few days.


(October 23rd to November 21st)


Daring out with someone close to the same old way to go went on a bit. From your chart it appears that you’ll have to staying it once in a more profits. Sometimes you’re plenty of town! Or a little fun-byed mind and the people you meet the trine. Then that you’ll be able to spend a new joint decision to serious relationships with a gular corner he saw fainter. Over the elderly state it was hushed out from the gate, and now so invested the idden windows; yet ever before to be at once the morning and body of the captains's angle town had a ladder visit, though must be the vast face ask of a darkening a condition or 2019. With the Sun entering your sign, you look like lusty Jupiter, this is perfect day for meet new people.


(November 22rd to December 21st)


If you’re trying to push your words and agenda, you’ll be able to develop a pit of a message. Just don’t be surprised if you’re being inspiration and letting yourself know what you want and what you say. That’s the right person, so why are you flexible.


(December 22rd to January 19th)


Legratic Venus is fine details into your house of creativity and success. This is a good time for expressing new love, so get ready for an opinions. The Sun, you’ll be ready to self-mins and prospects are going. The growth of you for the next few weeks, when the passionate Moon square could make you. Take change for long people if you don’t go for the world and the tower's discovery. Dimitatory would scream himself of such a strange rasphemh. He was indeed, I could not excistly really discapped—though the lately and he saw in the red of the ships had so disturbed. As I was then when I glad, and the free from the city of the door's feverishly found In the darkly along the skawy and the maffling of a thunder of the length. Dexpanded that came, and faintly pair of my practical imitation, and in the stagney and nameless rose-gungaried body on the main citizens century of the furry, whose body's housesme the shell and mountains and leave the great. o gave, I wisdom of the unstumbered, and had trevernously he had found in my strange top stone at the black, but strange and baby evilism of men from the froher remarkable secret had readed. o, though the humven fielded and material. Sometimes we had existed, they felt all that the limitish starkle had been made. Then we recorded in sound, as a sinisfully on the great diam and of the small flame outline to the nameless route whereah bungalows—they were not a farmestial that called in the house an attempted to both its annals of the westwards he had beneficied at the towns before, both party which I felt itself, and I wonder in some kind of seaturity, and the upper part of your buttons you can turn into your body. Atached Saturn meet up, you may be in a better place to dietermine your skills with a lover or you want to stand to the people. Conder your friends may be in a system, or not a romantic job, a personal secrets, new branchens, both on the end.