Chortle's Log

Romans Chapter 14


Paul pleads with the Romans to welcome those weak in faith and not to quarrel over opinions. Paul anticipates that where two or more are gathered in my name there will be difference of opinion. So act loving towards each other not introducing stumbling blocks towards one another, nor 'despising' each other in the name of difference. Paul reminds us that we will all bow to the Father and confess to God, giving an account for our lives.

We are instead called to defer judgement to the one true judge, knowing that in the Lord nothing is unclean, but instead it is unclean if ones conscious is not clear on the matter. This is because the Lord desires the obedience that comes from faith not fear. Let us therefore avoid causing others to stumble and instead keep our faith between ourselves and the Lord.


There is much going on in this passage that needs inspection for us to grasp what is actually being said. Firstly we should acknowledge the context of the passage which is Paul addressing the tension within the Roman church between "weak" believers (who adhere to stricter practices) and "strong" believers (who acknowledge their freedom in Christ and see no need for such restrictions).

This tension is present in two specific issues discussed within the passage; dietary restrictions and the observance of 'holy' days. Paul here is highlighting the potential for disharmony over what effectively amount to actual matters of 'taste', simply opinions. Paul here is committed to the unity of the believers acknowledging that only by standing together in Christ can we stand at all, weak or strong.

The next thing this reveals to us is that freedom and responsibility are two distinct things. As aforementioned in my last post, I am free to consume what I like. This does not mean that consuming everything I like is a responsible course of action to take. Indeed it is likely to cause further health complications and contribute towards ill health. We may well go as far to say this is unwise.

Verse 14 in this chapter may well seem that Paul is giving licence to engage in any unwise practices we so desire. He is not. He is pointing out the freedom we now enjoy in Christ because of his life, death and resurrection. His pointing out that if we live we do so in his name, if we die likewise highlights we belong to him. We are free now to make the choice to act responsibly or irresponsibly with this freedom. Paul is encouraging us to act in a way that builds each other up not tearing each other down.

There is an interesting point raised here. Paul points out that it is a blessed thing not to feel condemned by ones own actions, but the absence of condemnation is a poor reason to exercise this freedom. Instead faith in the God who hears, listens, responds and acts is central to the exercise of freedom.

The notion of 'strong' and 'weak' believers has the hallmarks of judgement making. Paul may here inadvertently introduce another area of difference, those who in faith abide in this freedom and those who do not. His purpose is not to sow division, but to avoid it. Conscience may well allow us to act where others do not but our first duty is to live for the Lord and to love each other well.

Romans Chapter 13


Paul points out that all authorities are established by Christ to perpetuate good and therefore opposition to authority is wrong. We must be subject to the authorities that the Lord institutes over us, and give all what they are due. Indeed we are encouraged not to owe anyone anything except love for each other. Paul points out that the fulfillment of the commandments is love. That is to say love for neighbour as self does no wrong to a neighbour and is the fulfillment of what God has called each of us to.

He reminds us that we need to recognise that salvation is close at hand and to live life free to love is available to us. Salvation from the darkness within is close at hand to we should cast off the works of darkness and walk properly. It is necessary to 'put on the Lord Jesus Christ' to make no provision for the gratification of the desires of the flesh.


Interestingly today's passage resonated with me significantly. We also had a similar message shared at the church we attend. This notion of concession to the flesh is something that resonates with me. I very much enjoy good food and drink and this time of year it becomes increasingly difficult to moderate. This is problematic given weight causes a number of health issues for me personally. As such I have becoming even more conscious of my difficulties in this area.

It is far more satisfying to reach for some good food in the evening than it is to reach for the bread of life. Feeding the flesh, the old man within, only makes that part of us stronger. To starve and instead pursue that which leads to spiritual growth and formation is to feed and make stronger the part of me that pursues Christ. Don't feed the old man is a mantra we would all do well to live by. It also highlights the significance of the disciplines, or practices, for the Christian life.

It is easy to forget that salvation from darkness is so close at hand. That we do not have to be caught continually in the perpetual struggle. That we can make 'no provision' for the gratification of the flesh. What might this mean? For me it means offering no opportunity, giving no space for, not dwelling on. But it also means not giving cognitive bandwidth to. At times it is enough to just give that part of me attention to draw me into consumptive patterns of behaviour.

Don't get me wrong, we should definitely pay attention to our sin. There are times that it may reveal spiritual needs for which we should turn to Christ. For I'm aware these consumptive patterns are part of my insatiable desire to consume. It takes many forms. Food, drink, media, literature, entertainment etc. Anything in fact that will offer sufficient pleasure and enjoyment from the act of consumption.

It is liberating to know that 'no' remains a possibility. There are times my flesh aches for food, I get irritated and grumpy when we have nothing in the house, and indeed many of my interactions with others revolve around what is going into our mouth be it food and drink. There is nothing inherently harmful about enjoying the provision of God. There is something harmful about not keeping such desires in check.